Who We Are
Founding Member
Paridad is an internationally recognized group of multilingual and multicultural experts that provides a broad range of education services at the school, district, state, national levels, with a strong strong emphasis on content, language, culture and social justice issues.
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Upcoming Events, Publications & Products
-Virtual Symposium-Multilingual Special Education: Perspectives and Practices to Transform Learning Landscapes
This symposium is designed for educators and service providers who work at the complex intersection of multilingual education and special education. It centers the experiences of multilingual learners with special educational needs. This symposium focuses on dynamic, strength-based, and culturally-sustaining practices in classrooms. This is a virtual symposium featuring leading scholars and practitioners and provides multiple interactive formats, including presentations, discussion forums, and networking.
Welcoming Bilingual Learners with Disabilities into Dual Language Programs: Research-informed implications for inclusive programs and practice
Cristina Sánchez-López, Theresa Young, Fred Genesee & John F. Hilliard
Welcoming Bilingual Learners with Disabilities into Dual Language Programs: Research-informed implications for inclusive programs and practice reviews evidence for the capacity of young and school age learners with special education needs to develop bilingualism. This white paper also examines the characteristics of high quality dual language programs and intervention that support inclusive education for bilingual learners with disabilities.
2024 Oaxaca Multilingual Leadership Institute: Centering Language, Culture, and Art
This 9 day-8 night, institute provides 12, ½ day targeted opportunities for participants to experience the languages, cultures, and art of oaxaca through a multilingual leadership perspective. These themes will be organized across content areas and aligned with content-based standards. During the field experiences participants will interact with experts across the targeted content, including archeology, indigenous cultures, gastronomy, flora & fauna, biological diversity, folk art & fine art, architecture, history, etc.
Focus on Special Education Needs
Focus on Special Educational Needs explores the characteristics of effective classroom instruction for language
learners aged 5-18 with special educational needs. It guides teachers and other educational practitioners to
combine their perspectives in proving balanced, coordinated, cohesive, and comprehensive approaches. The
authors present a framework for developing inclusive learning environments which are culturally and linguistically
responsive, based on strengths-based perspectives. Research studies and examples from the classroom illustrate
collaborative practice in action.
Paridad contributors: Cristina Sanchez-Lopez
Sanchez-Lopez, C and Young, T. (2017). Focus On Special Education Needs. Oxford Key Concepts for the
Language Classroom Series. Creat Clarendon St., Oxford University Press.
Special Education Considerations for Multilingual Learners:
Delivering a continuum of services
A veritable how-to guide for implementing Response to Intervention (Rtl) and Multi-Tiered System of Support
(MTSS) in a culturally and linguistically responsive manner.
Paridad authors include: Cristina Sanchez-Lopez
Hamayan, E., Marler, B., Sanchez-Lopez, C., & Damico, J. (2022). Special Education Considerations for
Multilingual Learners. Delivering a continuum of services, 3rd Ed. Brookes Publishing
¡Qué Bueno! A History of Advocacy and Care for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education
¡Qué BUENO! Is a book about the 50-year history of the BUENO Center for Multicultural Education at the University of Colorado, Boulder. It chronicles the building of pathways and access to educational opportunities for under-represented groups, particularly Latin@s to higher levels of education from the GED to the PhD. Concomitant to increased access to education, the book documents the role that the BUENO Center played in research and the development of new knowledge about Spanish speaking children and families that influenced the movement for bilingual education in the U.S., and that resulted in the creation of the field of Bilingual Special Education. Featured prominently in the book is Dr. Leonard Baca who led the BUENO Center for 40 years and has been aptly characterized as the gentle custodian of our collective dream for equal educational opportunities for Latin@s.
Common Core, Bilingual, and English Language Learners:
A Resource for Educators
A practical handbook for pre-service and practicing educators who are striving to make sense of the relationship
between Common Core States Standards (CCSS) and diverse learners. The text is a compilation of 95 questions
culled from practitioners in the field, with responses provided by 130 experts representing a range of implementation perspectives.
Paridad contributors include: John Hilliard, and Olivia Mulcahy.
Valdes, G., Menken, K., & Castro, M. (Eds). (2015). Common core, bilingual, and English language learners: A resources for educators. Philadelphia, PA: Caslon, Inc.
English language Learners at School: A guide for Administrators
The second edition of this book serves as a quick reference for administrators, teachers, and leadership teams; a wellspring of ideas for program development and improvement; a framework for pre-service or in-service professional learning.
Paridad contributors include Jack Fields, John Hilliard, Lucia Morales, and Cristina Sanchez-Lopez.
Hamayan, E. & Freeman Fields, R. (Eds.). (2006, 2012). English language learners at school: A guide for Administrators. Philadelphia, PA: Caslon, Inc.