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Culture and Language Institutes
A hands-on exploration of a culture through its language, history and art.
Participate in Paridad’s study abroad program where learners are exposed to the language, culture and art traditions of a region of the world through both classroom-based instruction and hands-on field experiences.
Visit the living classroom of beautiful Oaxaca, Mexico with its rich history and culture that serves as both our host city and a course unto itself.
Build personal and professional relationships with other educators engaged in the process of rich cultural exploration.
Our Process
Discover —
Design —
Scout Trip —
Deliver —
Reflect —
research the needs within the area of linguistically and culturally responsive education
to meet the professional learning demands and expectations for teachers and administrators
serving students and their families at varying levels of acculturation and cultural competency
(refugees, immigrants, 1st-3rd generation).
plan for a language and cultural experience over an extended period of time that will enrich
and extend participants’ understanding of the target culture and language as it relates to PreK-12 education.
visit the hosting city and inspect and secure all accommodations, guest lecturers, and field
provide a high quality experience in a study abroad program that includes the knowing
guardianship and instruction of Paridad associates during the extended stay in the host city.
utilize social media to offer activities and resources to participants for follow-up, enrichment,
and extension from the language and culture institute to practical classroom and school application.
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