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Multilingual Special Education Virtual Symposium:

Perspectives and Practices

to Transform Learning Landscapes
May 1 & 2, 2025

Event Description

Our fourth annual virtual symposium is designed for educators and practitioners who work at the dynamic and complex intersection of multilingual education and special education. This collaborative learning opportunity endeavors to amplify the voices of multilingual learners with special educational needs, while specifically focusing on their learning experiences. Our two day event features dynamic, strength-based, and culturally-sustaining practices that optimize educational opportunities for exceptional multilingual learners. Leading scholars and experienced practitioners interact with participants to present their current work, showcase favorite resources, host breakouts, and discuss their latest ideas and your questions with colleagues. All sessions will be recorded and handouts will be available for participants to access after the close of the symposium.

Featured Speakers
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Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld

Professor - School of Education and Human Services, Molloy College

Andrea Honigsfeld, EdD, is professor in the School of Education and Human Services at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, New York, where she teaches graduate courses related to cultural and linguistic diversity and TESOL methodology. Before entering the field of teacher education, she was an English-as-a-foreign-language teacher in Hungary (secondary and adult) and an English-as-a-second-language teacher in New York City (elementary and adult). She also taught Hungarian at New York University. She was the recipient of a doctoral fellowship at St. John’s University, New York, where she conducted research on individualized instruction. She has published extensively on working with multilingual learners and collaborative instructional practices. She received a Fulbright Award to lecture in Iceland in the fall of 2002. Over the past 20 years, she has been presenting at conferences across the United States, Great Britain, China, Denmark, Japan, Thailand, Sweden, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates. She frequently offers professional learning opportunities, primarily focusing on effective content and language integration strategies and collaborative practices for ELD and bilingual/dual language specialists and general-education teachers. She coauthored over 60 articles and chapters and coauthored or coedited over 30 books, 11 of which are national bestsellers.

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Dr. Audrey Cohan

Senior Dean for Research, Scholarship and Graduate Studies, Molloy University

Audrey Cohan is Senior Dean for Research, Scholarship, and Graduate Studies at Molloy University, New York. She has been at Molloy for 29 years and has served as Professor, Chairperson, and Interim Dean. She began her career as a special education teacher in New York City working in self-contained and resource room settings. In addition to special education, she has TESOL certification and spends much of her time combining these two areas of interest. The textbook, Serving English Language Learners (2016) earned the Textbook & Academic Authors Association’s Most Promising New Textbook Award. Her recently co-authored book with Andrea Honigsfeld is titled Collaboration for Multilingual Learners with Exceptionalities: We Share the Students (2024). For this book, the authors have conducted field-based research and aligned the UDL principles with best practices for MLEs.

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Dr. Ryan Nelson

Head of the Dept. of Communication Disorders, University of Louisiana, at Lafayette

Ryan Nelson, PhD, CCC-SLP is the Head of the Department of Communicative Disorders at the University of Louisiana, at Lafayette. He holds the Doris B. Hawthorne-BORSF Endowed Professorship in Communicative Disorders I. Dr. Nelson’s research considers the strengths of children with language disorders and literacy construction challenges. In addition to many peer-reviewed publications, he is the co-author of Counseling in Communication Disorders: A wellness perspective and co-editor of The Handbook of Qualitative Research in Communicative Disorders.

Symposium Organizers and Hosts
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Cristina Sánchez-López


Symposium Co-Host


Cristina collaborates with educators in the US and Canada on developing culturally and linguistically sustaining multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS); mathematics; literacy across the content areas; multilingual education; engaging parents, Multilingual Learners with Special Educational Needs, and supporting Pre-K educators who serve Multilingual Learners. Cristina has taught at the elementary, middle school and university levels in the US and Mexico. At present, Cristina teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of Biliteracy, Assessment, and Foundations of Language Minority Education. For more than18 years, Cristina and her colleague, Theresa Young (Speech-Language Pathologist, Ontario, Canada) have collaborated to support school problem-solving teams as they develop more culturally and linguistically sustaining learning environments. Cristina and her husband have raised their daughter bilingually.

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Theresa Young

Speech Language Pathologist-

Symposium Co-Host

Theresa began her career on the Pacific island of Saipan, in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands where she worked with multilingual students and families in home, school, and medical settings. She coordinated a team of speech-language pathologists to develop culturally and linguistically responsive assessment and intervention practices for Pacific Islanders. Upon returning to Canada, Theresa worked in schools in the highly diverse Toronto area, while providing professional development and writing collaboratively on multicultural, multilingual topics in education. She has been working with local First Nations to design and implement programs and services for children in preschools and schools in home communities.  

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Cristina's & Theresa's Work Together

Cristina and Theresa's collaborative work melds the fields of multilingual education and special education into a framework for culturally and linguistically responsive practice for educators and practitioners in schools. Their solution-seeking process is featured in Special Education Considerations for English Language Learners: Delivering a Continuum of Services (2013, 2021). They have most recently collaborated on a volume in the Oxford University Press Key Concept Series for Language Learners, Focus on Special Educational Needs (2018). 

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